Locked In…but Not Locked Out! Kids Activity Ideas During Quarantine!
During this unprecedented time we are in with our kids, keeping them creative is key! I know that’s how I feel, with my five year old. I’m trying to keep him engaged everyday, with different fun things he can do that’s fun and learning based. I decided to use this blog post to pass on to everyone what I’ve been doing with him and hope it helps others. Of course some of this stuff I’ve kept on hand and other things have been purchased on Amazon since I know the mail hasn’t stopped. I will update this post as I go along and find new things, please feel free and keep referring for new projects!
- Slime or Kinetic Sand
1. Yes! I’ve said it…even though parents are over kids making slime or playing in sand, but it holds their attention and that’s facts! I know you all will hate me for saying it because yes it is messy at times but it’s an easy activity, to make or buy! It’s nothing like slime or fun sand to peak kids creative minds! Aides in developing and continuing fine motor skills! See pics below I decided to use sand this time with my mini. I purchased from mine from A. C. Moore when they were going out of business. Below I will list other links on Amazon to order from below and give information on how to make it with things in your house!
The sand is great for less mess and lasts longer with care! My guy sat with this for a hour or so playing and making things! If you can’t order them! Molds can be a great way for them to create, use cookie cutters, molded pans metal or silicone that can be washed after.
Above are two great priced options featured right now on Amazon Prime that you all can pick up!
Elmer's Glue Deluxe Slime Starter Kit, Clear School Glue & Glitter Glue Pens, 3 Count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072KSQ4DH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Q.KDEbJ0VC96Y
SLIMYSAND by Horizon Group USA, 1.5 Lbs of Stretchable, Expandable, Moldable, Non Stick, Slimy Play Sand in A Reusable Bucket, Purple- A Kinetic Sensory Activity https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XZWLG2N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_b.KDEb4NMM91S
Recipes for Slime
With Glue
Let's make some slime
Step 1: Add glue. Add about 1 cup (8 ounces) of glue to your mixing bowl. …
Step 2: Add baking soda. Pour in about 1 tablespoon of baking soda and blend it with the glue. …
Step 3: Add color. …
Step 4: Add contact lens solution. …
Step 5: Mix. …
Step 6: Watch the transformation. …
Step 7: Presto, slime!
Without Glue
1: Basic fluffy slime recipe
2: Put 1/2 cup shampoo and 1/4 cup of cornstarch in a bowl.
3: Mix well.
4: Add 3 drops of food coloring (optional).
5: Add 1 tablespoon of water and stir. Slowly add 5 more tablespoons of water, stirring well after each one.
6: Knead the slime for around 5 minutes.
More coming soon below! Check back daily for updates!
Amazing Stencil Kit for Home & Travel by Mimtom
Soooo happy Friday all or what’s left of it! Today after our normal homeschool routine as of late, I decided to teach art class too! Above is a picture of the actual set and my guy using it! I finally got around to opening the amazing art stenciling kit that my uncle bought for my son last Christmas! Side note: I know this is terrible but this kid gets so many toys and his moms an artist so I hadn’t payed attention to this gift yet! Once opening this amazing art stenciling kit for ages 3 and up I realized I should have opened it way earlier. I love that this kit comes with everything your child needs for stenciling, even if you had no other tools in your house! The kit includes stencils, sketch pad, color pencils, sharpener, mechanical pencil and carrying case. There are 240 plus different shapes to trace, so know doubt this kept my kiddo busy for awhile.
Right now this kit is on sale on Amazon with Prime shipping @ $26.90 with 10% off coupon! Run and go get it!
Mimtom Drawing Stencil Set
Mimtom Drawing Stencils Set for Kids and Boys | 51 Arts and Crafts Stencil Kits with over 240 Creative Shapes to Unleash Your Child's World of Imagination | Kid-Safe Fun Activity Toy for Ages 3 and Up https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WNYRWZ5/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_dARFEbB1E305Z
Helpful Learning Sites for Kids!